Laughable | Teen Ink


October 9, 2012
By NikkiNik BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
NikkiNik BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You speak with venom seeping
From your lips
Spitting insults,
Almost unconsciously.
Your glare, filled with that annoyed look,
Occasionally rolling to the ceiling.
Funny how I’m the one
Who is bothering you.

It only causes you
To jerk your head back,
To twist your mouth thoughtfully,
To bite your lip,
Your eyes searching for your next move.

We were friends.
The tension
Never seemed to go away,
Even on good terms,
The bitter fog
Still remains.

And yet,
You still taunt me with words
I still fall into the trap,
I’m always trying creep closer,
But then I get to close
And you hiss words of defense.

I watch you.
You are alone.
Your hunger for argument,
Your hunger for being right,
It pushes the world away.
Does this fill an emptiness?
Are you more broken than you claim?

I can’t hate you.
I couldn’t keep fighting you.
I didn’t want to kill our friendship,
Our laughable, bittersweet, friendship,
That I don’t miss.

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