Welcome to 2085 | Teen Ink

Welcome to 2085

October 9, 2012
By Mitch123 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Mitch123 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Work brings satisfaction

The sidewalks are empty.
The side walks are cracked.
Lonely plastic bags blow where the people once walked.
Its 5:00!
Its rush hour, where are all the cars?
The highways where the cars once hummed are empty.
Miles and miles of long empty roads.
The gas stations are empty.
The gas stations are open.
Hurry to the station, come quick! Gas is only 17.88 per gallon!
An all time low!
But there’s no gas in the pumps, it’s in the air.
What happened to the blue skies?
There’re grey now, layers of smog hang over the lonely city like a phantom.
Wind softly blows the dead branches of trees that once had life, now just cracking skeletons in the sour evening air.
Rusty traffic lights swing uselessly in the wind.
No cars beneath them.
Old power lines still stand, but nothing goes through.
Oh look, look at the sun setting!
But no one can see it.
No one can watch it set into the tall mountains of trash in the west.
The crumbling smoke stacks don’t omit a single fume.
The oil pumps pump not a single drop.
The power plants burn not one piece of coal.
No more work to be done.
Everything has stopped, there are no people to do jobs they once did.
But where have they all gone?
Maybe another world, not this one.
This one is dead.
This one is empty.
This one is hopeless.
Didn’t anyone care?
Didn’t anyone try?
Maybe it wasn’t enough.
Maybe people will return again someday.
Welcome to Earth-
Population Zero.

The author's comments:
This poem is a look into the not so far away future, it promotes keeping the enviroment clean and what will happend if no one cares.

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