I'm Fine | Teen Ink

I'm Fine

October 23, 2012
By BreLizzy2015 BRONZE, Palmyra, Missouri
BreLizzy2015 BRONZE, Palmyra, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When you feel you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on"-Tyler Bates

How can some people believe the lies?
How can someone hear the phrase “I’m Fine.” told in a shaky voice with tears in someone’s eyes and believe them?
How can they just go about their day…and settle with that kind of an answer?
When it’s obvious someone isn’t okay demand they tell you…stick by them…
Be nice…
Because it’s obvious they are absolutely not fine…whatsoever…
It’s obvious they’re dying inside…they just want someone to take the first step and acknowledge their not fine…
Everyone deserves to be acknowledged…
So don’t accept the lie…

The author's comments:
Something else I wrote in Creative writing class. Suicide and depression are somethings that I care about deeply.

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