Year After Year | Teen Ink

Year After Year

October 27, 2012
By tichu-thePN-Gdrummer BRONZE, Port Arthur, Texas
tichu-thePN-Gdrummer BRONZE, Port Arthur, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;i may be crazy, but i m pretty damn proud of it.&quot;<br /> ~Sheri Le Doux

I sit here and write,
But it's hard to explain...
I Love You with all my heart,
I'll say it again and again.

I've never been able
To say it completely right,
But my love for you gets stronger, By day and my night.

I Love You, I Love You,
I truly, truly do.
I will NEVER forget
How lucky I am to have you.

You are the best thing
That has ever happened to me,
And it's not hard to see,
We are meant to be.

Every night, i lay in bed,
Holding the bear,
I fall asleep,
thinking of your soft, sweet hair.

I Love You with all my heart JayLynn,
And it's an honor to have you here.
The times we've spent together,
Have been the best I've ever had,
I want these pleasures again and again...Year After Year.

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