Unforgiving | Teen Ink


November 15, 2012
By lecommamichelle BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
lecommamichelle BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love you: To feel is better than to hear"

Scars, rips, tears
The ones my subtle pale hands made when I tried to bare with the pain they have caused me to endure
Why do they do this?
It was a reason unknown.
Oh no, it was Society
For all my blood was used to paint truth inside the crevice of my bottom eyelids to replace my tears.
Oh the horror of life.
Marks imprinted on my eyeballs telling me to see myself as beautiful
No I cannot
I try and try
Society curses and sucks me back into this train wreck of what they call "beauty"
Well no, I will not be taken over
I would rather be a natural horrid beast than have my skin filled with a collage of expectations
or be an illusion of a human they call "perfection"
I am not a doll
How dare they say I am not worthy?
God forsaken that this mirage is being yanked out of my reflection
The air I breathe is no longer clean
It is fatal
Stone me and break my bones all you want but my belief will never fade
They dare try and rip me to pieces but I
I refuse to give in.
I do not take commands
I am strong and I will not fall
Kick, stomp and slap me but I will stand tall
Believe I say
believe me
Our hearts thumping as the sound of drums surround us
The drums of terror
Oh the terror
My heart is shredding itself but I'm still live
Live til the end
A legend I will be
Tear after tear on my cold face
A difference we will make
But we're human
Cruel and manipulative
That's the reality
I sniff up the air
A spit in my face telling me I am not good enough
I am not just a girl
I am what I want to be
I am
See me as a diamond not just a rock on the sidewalk
Don't kick me, I am fragile
Don't touch me.
Respect me.
I have taken enough of this hatred and judgement filled world
With all the humans just
Labeling me.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by personal experiences and beliefs to write this piece. I hope you all can relate:] Give feedback please!

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