Searching | Teen Ink


November 19, 2012
By 25sinnh BRONZE, Berne, Indiana
25sinnh BRONZE, Berne, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Living her life like she doesn't have a care
Nose turned up and high heels on
She's just trying to find a place in this world
She doesn't look low, she strains for the heights
Once played dress up with clothes that now fit her
Her ears turn deaf when her parents speak
A little of her life spent looking for love
A time when searching is all that takes place
A new apple tree in the middle of a dust storm,
A lone kitten in the middle of the zoo,
Probing through life like a doctor with a needle
Trying to diagnose the problems.
She's just a little girl trying to act like her mother.
And experiencing this world like her father

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