pearl shadowed blue | Teen Ink

pearl shadowed blue MAG

December 3, 2012
By thesparrowfox BRONZE, Gustavus, Alaska
thesparrowfox BRONZE, Gustavus, Alaska
4 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. <br /> Das Wesentliche ist f&uuml;r die Augen unsichtbar.

She was a pearl shadowed blue
a canvas
of white
a snowflake that
didn't melt
just waited
with cold breath
and cold hands
a brook devoid of rocks and algae
cigarette dangling from a feeble hand.
It kills her and she knows.

she's lovely and she
doesn't know
doesn't care
just wants to be

yesterday she asked me how to be
what she claims she is.
I wonder.

The author's comments:
sometimes you meet people who change your life.

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