Bright Lights | Teen Ink

Bright Lights

December 12, 2012
By nfardig BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
nfardig BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rehearsal has led up to this moment
New friends give me words of wisdom
Make up covers my face
A wig covers my long blonde hair
Butterflies consume my stomach
My head spins with everything I’ve learned
Everything has led up to this moment
People are counting on me to do my part perfectly
My nose is filled with fear and excitement
I wipe my face filled with sweat
The curtain opens, bright lights hit my face
My mouth opens and the words spill out smoothly
The dance moves flow like I’ve been doing them my whole life
The orchestra is in complete harmony
The curtain closes and it’s the end of the show
Silence fills the theatre then the audience’s applause is uncontrollable
I don’t want this feeling to end
The feeling of being a star.

The author's comments:
Last year I got the privilege of being selected to be a part of my High School musical. We performed "Chicago" a story of murder and scandal. This was the best experience of my high school career and this poem represents it.

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