Dear Brother | Teen Ink

Dear Brother

December 12, 2012
By kjpapierski BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
kjpapierski BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Brother,
Why do you choose to go so far
And leave us all behind?
Do you not like it where we are
Or are you just chasing your dreams?

All of your things will be packed ?
Tears will be shed?by everyone
Mom will overreact
Dad thinks hes going with

Lonely, and blue
I will miss everything
But I will make it through
If this is what you think is best

You say that it will be the same
Watching you on T.V.
But I’d rather be at the ball game
To see you in person

I must say that I do feel butterflies
When I imagine the opportunities you have
It was a great surprise
To hear your dreams are coming true

A sweet taste comes
When I think how far you will go
Throwing people out, hitting home runs
On national T.V.

I will be cheering
At every game you play
While mom will be tearing
As you accomplish all of your goals

Love Always,

The author's comments:
This poem was written right after my brother commited to play baseball at LSU.

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