Tacos | Teen Ink


December 12, 2012
By hunter4444444444 BRONZE, Washington, Utah
hunter4444444444 BRONZE, Washington, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When making tacos you must be surprised,
The first step of tasty tacos
Is the meat from the freezer outside.
Right after that you quickly defrost it.
While defrosting you get
Out the pan and also the ingredients.
When the meat feels soft you add it to the pan.
You carry the pan over to the stove,
Then you cook the meat at a high temperature.
When the meat looks so good and brown you quickly
Add the seasoning and water.
After it’s stirred all together you turn it to simmer
To boil out all of the liquid;
But while it simmers to evaporate the water
You get out the tortilla shells and the cheese and the lettuce.
Then you build you a taco one step at a time but before you can eat
you need some tasty soda.
When the taco’s all gone you dive in for seconds.
Shortly after you clean up your mess and save the leftovers for
Tomorrow night and they will be just as tasty.
Tacos are great!

The author's comments:
This is a fun how to poem

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