A Fearful Beauty | Teen Ink

A Fearful Beauty

December 14, 2012
By ArielleKnowles BRONZE, Bellevue, Washington
ArielleKnowles BRONZE, Bellevue, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She walks with all the grace and perfection of a dancer.
Her delicate beauty is that of a snowy mountain.
Like a pre-pubescent boy, I drool over her.
But an aura of terror surrounds her.
Fear is inflicted upon my heart when I set my eyes upon her.
She is like a tiger; one wrong move and it is all over.
But just like the tiger, she is misunderstood.
The tiger does not know how terrifying it is.
She only does what she knows is best for survival.

Like the tiger, she is not meant to be in a cage, she is meant to roam free.
But she makes her own cage for her own safety.
I would love to sit and stare, memorizing every exotic feature,
But the look in her eyes is enough to make me turn the other way.
If I could just see that smile,
See all hatred erased from that face,
See her free herself from that cage,
Then her true beauty would shine like a thousand suns.
But the world does not let her.
She will just have to remain a fearful beauty.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem about a girl that I didn't even know. She's a friend of a friend, so I've seen her around, of course. I wrote it because she's really pretty, but also really scary-looking because she glares a lot. I showed her the poem the first time I talked her and discovered that she isn't as scary as I thought she was.

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