Ready, Set, Don't Go... | Teen Ink

Ready, Set, Don't Go...

December 13, 2012
By DaisyXOXO BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
DaisyXOXO BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Iced breeze screams
“Good-bye summer dares!”
Where did the year go?
But I’m half-way there
Now it’s time to live my dreams
Read, set, don’t go…

Feel the summer beam
That cap sits on my hair
The last step is the hard, I know
Walk across as everyone stares
I’m thinking ‘What does the future bring?’
Ready, set, don’t go…

Now I’m so close to the that dream
How do I start and where?
Hollywood says, ‘it’s time for a show’
Everyone looks, I don’t care
In the end it’s all about believe
Ready, set, go.


The author's comments:
I was inspired by a quickly, upcoming event. It is approaching very fast and time is flying by. Sometimes you might miss things because life changes in the blink of an eye. That event is my high school graduation.

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