Masquerade | Teen Ink


December 17, 2012
By Elizabeth Lange BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
Elizabeth Lange BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Powdered wigs,
dresses swinging,
high heeled shoes,
and choirs singing.
I see many women eyeing the floor,
looking for their next dance.
And I know many men look my way
but I never so much as glance.

For the man I love, whom I adore
is not even here today.
He is outside with the horses,
bedding them down and giving them hay.

Yes, I am in love with the stable boy,
though I’m sure it’s not allowed.
But I cannot announce my love;
it wouldn’t make my mother proud.

I am forced to dance with an unknown man.
Just one song, and I am be free.
I want to leave as soon as we start;
I don’t like the way he looks at me.

I escape the floor as fast as I can,
tottering on precarious heels.
I need to breathe some cool fresh air
for it is danger my heart feels.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder;
the man has snuck up from behind.
I mistrust the glint in his eye,
I don’t want to know what he has in mind.

Then he takes me by surprise
and gets down on just one knee.
He says, “This is what your mother wants.
Clara, will you marry me?”

I cannot speak, I cannot think.
All my plans, my hopes, my dreams,
have suddenly been torn away.
I have no choice, it seems.

I see the stableboy behind the man,
a look of betrayal in his eyes.
I know he’ll never breathe a word;
his pride will hide his shouts and cries.

I hope someday I might see him again,
and he will be able to forgive.
But right now I have no choice,
so on with my life I must live.

The author's comments:
My inspiration for this poem came from my lifelong fascination with the bygone era of lords, ladies, and costume balls. I love the allure and mystery of all the secrets hidden beneath the makeup and elaborate dresses, and I wanted to give readers a personal view of the life at that time.

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