A Lone Soldier | Teen Ink

A Lone Soldier

December 17, 2012
By StarWarsNerd13 BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
StarWarsNerd13 BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing worth doing is ever easy."-Anonymous

A steady wave washes up the shore,
and comes a lore, depicting life before the war.
A lone soldier stands,
remembering tragedies witnessed firsthand.
Shadowy silhouette against a moonlit sky,
heard from him is one silent cry.
A single tear becomes one with the ocean,
a soldier kneels as if in slow motion.

A constant breeze whispers across the land,
a reminder of serenity he can barely withstand.
A lone soldier weeps,
recollecting horrors only a warrior’s spirit keeps.
The shadow of torment alongside a starry sky,
heard from him is one forlorn sigh.
A single breath becomes one with the wind,
a soldier lies on the sand, heavy heart within.

The waters churn with unearthly might,
bringing with them a thunder like distant bombs in flight.
A lone soldier awakens,
recalls the sound of war and all the corps.
He peers into the commotion,
catches a glimpse of a reflection.
His own stares back at him,
before the war, before age made him grim.

A steady wave washes up the shore,
and comes a lore, depicting life before the war.
A lone soldier stares,
remembering tragedies witnessed firsthand.
Shadowy silhouette against a moonlit sky,
heard from him is one silent cry.
A single tear becomes one with the ocean,
a soldier rises as if in slow motion.

The author's comments:
This was inspired by a great uncle whom I never knew who was trapped behind enemy lines for months. He was forever changed but his story never dies.

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