The Feelings I Feel For You | Teen Ink

The Feelings I Feel For You

December 18, 2012
By MiracleLynn GOLD, Green River, Wyoming
MiracleLynn GOLD, Green River, Wyoming
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trust no one but yourself, because when everyone else is gone, you are all you'll have left.

I see you sitting over there,
So I turn and pretend not to care.
But deep inside,
I know I can't hide,
The feelings I feel for you.

I take my seat
And my heart skips a beat.
I look over and see your face,
Then my hearts begins to race.
I believe you see me too.

Your eye catches mine.
Could this be a sign?
You smile so bright,
It takes all my might
To turn away, but I do.

By the end of the day,
I know it's time to say
Whats been on my mind.
So maybe I'll find
A love that's prone to be.

When the time comes to be,
I will not run, hide, nor flee.
I will stand proud and tall
And let you know all
The feelings I feel for you.

The author's comments:
There is a boy in my 3rd hour that I like. I haven't talked to him yet but everyday when I walk in the room and sit down he turns to me and smiles :)

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