Skittles | Teen Ink


December 11, 2012
By Tailer Remer BRONZE, Sturgis, South Dakota
Tailer Remer BRONZE, Sturgis, South Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Skittles are colorful, Skittles are bright
They make my day full of light
They are my favorite sweet
Nothing has them beat
From blue to yellow, and green to red
I think about them when I’m lying in bed
I wish I had more
But my tongue is a little sore
They have such a fruity taste
It’s such a shame when they go to waste
They aren’t very large in size
Some people just don’t realize
I savor every skittle
Dang, what a nice riddle
I think I’m doing pretty well at this
So let’s not diss
They are always colorful
And never dull
They make my mouth water
But definitely make me fatter
Sometimes they make my mouth dry
And I still ask myself why
I’m going to have to go to the store
Because I need to get myself some more
At times they are hard to chew
But not if you only take a few
They would be more bold
If they were frozen cold
Sometimes they make me choke
And make me think that I’m having a stroke
I just get too anxious
Because they are so luscious
If they grew on a tree
I would be filled with glee
My favorite kind is the yellow
They sometimes make me bellow
I also like the orange ones
Even though they make me want to take some Tums
Right now I’m just babbling
But that’s not really a bad thing
Skittles are awesome
They make me blossom
When I eat them, my face will glow
Skittles – Taste the rainbow

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