$tigma | Teen Ink


December 29, 2012
By younghabitat PLATINUM, Fairfield, Connecticut
younghabitat PLATINUM, Fairfield, Connecticut
21 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You create your own universe as you go along." - Winston Churchill

You judge me for filling empty spaces with deeper, deadlier voids.
Your arms flail incredulously as if to slice the justification, the truth, to shreds.
You call me crazy, dismiss pills as poison,
yet you, in your black, oil-caked shoes, sit there sighing
like a smitten schoolgirl
at the lucrative industry you've created.

You build this empire that acquires its nutrients
from the very people who should "locked up".
And you berate them as they wait in line
to meet your standards.

Welcome to Corporate Prison
where if you're sick,
it better be with the sniffles.

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