Two Halves | Teen Ink

Two Halves

January 2, 2013
By SuttonMarieLeCroix BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
SuttonMarieLeCroix BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Unity Binds the circle

Two plus two equals four, and alas I must say that I'm not the same as before. I am no longer me, but two other people entirely. She is Yang he is Yin, two opposing sides resting within. I am her when the Sun is down, and I am him when the Moon is not around. He is the goodness that compels me, but she is the evilness that expels me. I cannot diminish neither spirits form, for it is their atoms that make up my norm. What she has become I hope to avoid, for his world fills me with joy. I hope to leave her spirit behind before she claims the soul that’s mine.

The author's comments:
There is two sides to every person

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