This is Life | Teen Ink

This is Life

January 3, 2013
By Ashley5678 BRONZE, Chino, California
Ashley5678 BRONZE, Chino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are days with rain,
And days with pain,
But this is life,
There will also be joy,
Along with cheerful noise,
But this is life,
People will bring you down,
And you will get stepped on,
Get back up,
This is life

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write "This is Life" is when I was in the car with my mom and started thinking about everything that happened in the past years. There are days that are terrible but there are also days that are forever memorable. What I hope people get out of this writing is that perfection does not exist and that there is bad in this world.

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