Barbie in the Building | Teen Ink

Barbie in the Building

January 8, 2013
By annahoward BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
annahoward BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My hair is golden yellow,
My teeth are sparkly white,
All you guys think I’m just so fake,
And every girl wants to start a catfight.

They tell me, “Your dumb”,
They whisper, “Your sweet”,
They shout, “You look like Barbie”,
The typical blond girl a guy wants to meet.

After school my hectic day begins,
With 3 intense hours of soccer,
And some overly worked broken shins.

Little do they know,
When I finally arrive at home,
I start the homework journey,
Of Trig, Human-phys, English, and Econ,
That will take me to a place-unknown.

When all is well,
And I get to sit and eat,
Maybe watch my favorite TV show,
Sex and the City can’t be beat.

My names not “dumb blond” or “ditzy-do”,
I definitely don’t talk like a valley-girl,
And as a matter of fact,
My GPA is 6.0 too.

They think I’m clueless of the fact,
They have decided on what they see,
I’m not the “typical dumb blond girl”,
I guess this stereotype is just meant to be.

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