Colors of the Wind | Teen Ink

Colors of the Wind

January 9, 2013
By cef1995 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
cef1995 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Red raises my blood pressure.
It fills up the dark room
As pictures begin to show up before my eyes.
Red fills up the school hallways
With passion and lust.
Red is the color of love
When Valentine’s Day comes around.
With it’s red roses and chocolate boxes
Red raises my blood pressure.

Turquoise tickles my ivories.
It reminds me of my favorite mermaid,
The one I used to watch in the Disney movie.
Turquoise swims with the waves
In the lake I love to look over from Navy Pier.
Turquoise is the color
Of my most comfy sweatshirt,
The one with the grey stripes.
Turquoise tickles my ivories.

Violet vindicates me.
It’s the color of my headphones
Which provide my life’s soundtrack.
Violet is my favorite color
It makes me feel like Royalty.
Violet is the color of my phone cover
It protects my lifeline from
The dangers of the world.
Violet vindicates me.

White wins me over.
It makes me feel brand new
When I put on a bleached clean shirt.
White fills up my front yard
With the first snowfall this winter.
White reminds me how new
My sheets of paper are
As I bring a pen to dirty them.
White wins me over.

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