I loved You | Teen Ink

I loved You

January 10, 2013
By ryry13 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
ryry13 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Forever and always you say;
You can always tell when you’re by yourself but you feel
You are not.
I lie, lonely, lost
In my twin size bed,
Wrapped around it, a beautifully painted wooden bed frame,
It makes you feel safe but suffocates you.
With no one there im lost,
As if I escaped into a world of nothingness,
I’m alone
I know you are there in darkness,
I freed myself to you
I didn’t only loose my best friend
I lost myself

I loved you

I feel faint, looking into the mirror
In my head blurs of myself flash by
A child happily, playing in the background.
Short curly hair wraped in two pony tails,
Sitting criss-cross, apple sauce on the pink carpet.
My emotions danced out of my heart into the woman I am,
Spinning around my room, until I plummeted over.
Trying to get all of the giggles out.
I felt happy.

As I lie there in pain wondering why,
Why you left,
When you said we were
I lie in happiness, wonder and never endings.
I had changed myself,
In the ways of letting my heart love you,

Although now, peaceful,
Filled with joy
That you
Have my heart.

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