What makes me happy | Teen Ink

What makes me happy

January 11, 2013
By Nichole Jewell BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Nichole Jewell BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I see your faces
I begin to smile
I think about everything we have done together
There are so many memories
This is why I love you

Years of snowboarding,
Years of reminiscing our young days,
Years of just bull s*******,
You will always be my best friends
I begin to smile

Without them I would be lost
They hold me together
They make me feel loved
And cared about
If I need something I know where I can go
Then I begin to smile

After I watched them all graduate
Walking across the huge stage
I thought I lost them for ever
But it just a new beginning for us all
And I know in less then a year
I will be right with them all again
And it will be like nothing ever changed
Thinking about that, makes me smile

So now we can all move in together
In our big house that we wanted
On the lake we grew up on
With the view we always saw
The swans taking over the lake side land
All of us together.
I never want to lose you guys
You are my life
So I begin to smile.

The author's comments:
This is a piece of writing that my teacher assigned me to and i was writing about my friends and how they all went away to college and i'm still in high school

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