Love Square | Teen Ink

Love Square

January 11, 2013
By Sarah Fluegel BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Sarah Fluegel BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What’s ironic about their love,
Is it’s not a perfect square.
She loves a boy and he can’t love her back,
His heart wants someone the same as him,
But the man he wants, has a heart that yearns
For a girl no longer there. .

You see, you can define a square:
Always the same
Never changing
Four sides
Four corners
Lines are straight
The facts are endless.

Just like the first girl who runs and runs,
Trying to rid the feelings for a boy
Who can never return them back to her.

Just like the boy who has silent tears stream
Down his swollen face,
Every time he sees the boy he loves,
Holding the hand of someone else.

But the love twisted between them is different:
Tried to be defined
But never understood
It’s always changing
And yet the concept stays
So contradicting,
So confusing,
The ideas are endless.

Twisted ideas,
Just like the boy that everyone likes,
The one that seems to have everything,
Yet he lusts for something that he knows will never be

Twisted ideas,
Just like the girl he loves,
Lying quietly and peacefully,
Free from a world of confusion,
Silent forever.

So what is he to think?
What is she to think?
What are they to do?

When they’re caught in a love square?
No one can gain anything,
But the pain that it brings.

In this oxymoron,
In this opposite of attractions,
In this confusion of facts,
And feelings, of four, separate, hearts.

The author's comments:
This poem is about four people, whose only connection to each other is one-sided love. They each struggle with individual problems in their lives, and they only thing keeping them going is this small bit of hope, in liking someone else. The narrator watches from outside of this "square", trying to make a connection to the oxymoron "Love Square", but he can't because they are two completely contradicting things.

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