Death | Teen Ink


January 11, 2013
By Flood223 BRONZE, Clarskton, Michigan
Flood223 BRONZE, Clarskton, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who are you?
I ask,
but I already knew.
I experienced this

Only this time,
it was

No firemen, paramedics, or police.
No one to
Save, rescue, or bail me out.
Now I would not elude death.

I would not awake
Covered in bruises, dried blood and third degree burns.
I ‘m at the end.

Cold, brutal, merciless silence
Fills the room.

My heart beats wildly.
My stomach does flip flops.
I’m soaked
with cold sweat.

He was coming
for me.
I could hear
his footsteps
getting closer.

I began to breathe rapidly.
My heart starts to pound.

With every step he takes,
the end draws nearer.

I look into the mirror.
A ghostly pale face stares back at me.

Then he saw me.
Fear paralyzes me.
I stare at him.
He grins.

His eyes shimmer
like devil red rubies.
Covered in a
long black cloak,
I saw the gleaming weapon he possessed.

The grim reaper.

I tried to run.
But I was already

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