"Poem" | Teen Ink


January 12, 2013
By Crying_Diamonds SILVER, Redwood City, California
Crying_Diamonds SILVER, Redwood City, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your future is an empty canvas just waiting for that first brush stroke."

The blank sheet before me is no longer
blank; it is etched
with erratic black marks,
smeared hieroglyphics spelling
out words that don't make sense
yet, forming a meaning
that hasn't begun to exist.
The language is still being composed;
it too is a blank sheet,
still being filled up with the
squiggles, curls and inky dots
linking each letter and word to the next,
stamped in black onto the white,
and each pressed key
unlocks something new.
This is no longer a blank sheet,
this is my poem.
But does it mean enough?

The author's comments:
I would just like to clarify that "Poem" is the actual title for the poem; I wasn't just being lazy and stating "this is a poem," I had a reason for doing so.

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