My Boulevard of Broken Dreams | Teen Ink

My Boulevard of Broken Dreams

January 15, 2013
By cookiemonster3 SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
cookiemonster3 SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Look it's a llama!"- Tucker Goldman
"C is for cookie"- Cookie Monster

The stars twinkle in the night sky
The moon shines so bright
The night is so peaceful
Quiet consumes me
The night is my master, I do his bidding
I walk along the boulevard of broken dreams

My life changes on this cloudless night
One solitary star leads me on my journey to nowhere
As the night sky begins to fade to light, my life fades with it
By morning I’ll be but a memory

I travel on, the sun rises, I fall
As dawn comes, a new life reveals itself
But nothing lasts forever

It all ends when I wake from my peaceful slumber
And find there is no boulevard of broken dreams
My already shattered life shatters more
When I think of what could have been

But my dark knight comes to save me
He whispers songs of his punk rock wisdom in my ear
It builds my courage to finally chase my dreams westward
And meet my destiny

When I reach the Bay
My love is waiting for me, with open arms
This marks the start of my new life

The author's comments:
This poem is about how my idol, Billie Joe Armstrong inspires me and how his music speaks to my heart.

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