Silencing the masses; inspiring revolution | Teen Ink

Silencing the masses; inspiring revolution

January 16, 2013
By Alex Finoguina SILVER, Prospect Heights, Illinois
Alex Finoguina SILVER, Prospect Heights, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is injustice?
It is putting people down for something they cannot control.
Skin color, gender, and class
What is injustice?
It is leaving scars.
Both physical and mental
What is injustice?
It is making judgments.
Even before you know the person.
What is injustice?
It is silencing the masses.
Inspiring revolution.
What is injustice?
It is punishing for standing up for given rights.
The right to be treated as a human being
What is injustice?
It is not giving people a choice.
The choice to live in peace
What is injustice?
It is the refusal to accommodate to people’s beliefs.
Instead it is easier to force them to assimilate
What happens to those that try to make a difference?
Murder and slaughter
Making someone live in fear and hatred of their beliefs,
THAT is injustice.

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