Check | Teen Ink


January 17, 2013
By en1995 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
en1995 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Beep, beep, beep.
I hear the register as I slide each item over and scan.
The worker at the end of the counter puts the items in the bag.
There are many things on sale, including cans.
The customer complains about something and starts to nag.
Is my shift almost over?
The line keeps getting longer.
I wish I could just go into a field and pick clover.
I'm really tired and my legs aren't getting stronger.
Another person comes through my line,
What else is there to buy?
I ask how she is doing -fine-fine.
When i think about this job I ask myself why.
Finally, it is time for my break. In 20 minutes I need to be back and awake.

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