Memories | Teen Ink


January 17, 2013
By killbree BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
killbree BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In life, many times, the right answer is that there isn't one.

She’s forced into a corner she knows so well
“Oh God” she sobs, heaven fell to hell
The blood from her nose decorates the white walls
As the little hope she once had, falls
Her body, all black and blue
Let’s her know her worst nightmare is coming true
Her head crashes through the glass table
He’s pissed off and she’s unable.
Unable to resist and unable to escape
Unable to escape this fate
“It’s all your fault!” he yells with every deathly blow
When she tries to run she’s snatched up by the throat
Her body hits the floor and consciousness is lost
The blood in her veins is as cold as January frost
She awakes three days later and it hurts to move
The house is empty but there’s no time to lose
She checks her wounds, they’re a gash over her tattoo that says “love”
Her eyes water, she’s chocking on the overwhelming smell of her own blood
She grabs her bags and the keys to his jag
The wedding ring on the floor makes her laugh
Her hearing is only half there so she isn’t aware
He just pulled up and saw her through the window. He’s there.
She goes into the kitchen to grab a glass of water
There’s a magnet on the fridge that says number one father’
She yells “screw this family! I’d rather be dead”
Now she’s back in that corner with a gun to her head.
“Be careful what you wish for” he whispered in her ear
The last thing she tasted was her own salty tears.

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