December | Teen Ink


January 23, 2013
By Raiahzah GOLD, Hampton, Iowa
Raiahzah GOLD, Hampton, Iowa
13 articles 11 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I didn't fail, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Thomas Edison

When the air is so cold it gives chills.
Snowflakes are dancing their way down to the earth’s floor.
Wind blowing snow walls across streets, not letting people go by.
Furry creatures dream their days and nights away, awaiting the warm sun of spring.
Beautiful things happen in December.
Children decorating the Christmas tree.
Warm smells of cookies in the oven.
Rich, creamy hot chocolate.
Warm, fuzzy socks and blankets to cuddle with and be warm.
December is one of the best months.
Be thankful for what is given to you on December days.
The beauty of it only lasts so long.

The author's comments:
I love the month of December.

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