What's Inside | Teen Ink

What's Inside

January 28, 2013
By allyferg96 BRONZE, Centerville, Iowa
allyferg96 BRONZE, Centerville, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Inside there's a organizer
a folder with different compartments
to separate the homework of different subjects.
Different colored notebooks
to separate the notes of different subjects.
A small bag of pencils, pens, and highlighters.
So that they wont get lost in the jumble of folders, notebooks, and books.
Then in a compartment in the front
withholds notes from friends, from the past, the present and the future.
Its hard to through those away
they separate who I was and who I am.
Reminding me that everything isnt what it seems.
And that what may appear to be great.
May only be jumbled and messy.
As the backpack I carry around.

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