The River | Teen Ink

The River

February 7, 2013
By AnnabelleLee BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
AnnabelleLee BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The voices are echoing
They say

"No. I can't"
You fight them

You stare intently
across the room
There it lay
The shinny metal
stained red and orange

"Do it."
They won't go away



You keep fighting

You feel pressure under your feet
Why am I standing?

"Just do it!"
"Keep Walking"
"You're almost there!"


The voices
They won't stop
They won't keep quiet
I can't shut them up

You fingers extend
Your whole body is trembling

"Yes! That's it!"

The metal is cold
but feels right
in your hand

"Get on with it all ready"
"You deserve it"
"Nobody wants you"
"Nobody cares"

A single tear
rolling down your face
You lift your fingers
ever trembling,
the cold metal still between them,
up to your arm

"Keep going"
"You're almost there"
"You're almost free!"

Now more tears
Turning simple creeks to streams
and streams to rivers

You feel the metal
It's on your wrist
Why does this feel




"That's it!"
"Keep going!"



You're still losing
Or are you?
Is it really losing?

The pressure increases
The voices get louder
More frantic
Where are they all coming from?

You start to mover your fingers
Beautiful crimson rivers
They look the color of
a rose
A beautiful rose

Soon the rivers turn
Now they're raging rapids
It's pooling
A pond
A lake
An ocean

It's swallowing you

And you like it

The voice calm some

"Not much longer, now"
"You'll be free!"

"I'll be free"

"9-1-1. What's your emergency?"

"Help! I need an ambulance!"
"There's blood"
"So much...blood"
"And she's so..."

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