The Courage. | Teen Ink

The Courage.

February 12, 2013
By CastlesOnClouds BRONZE, Lowell, Michigan
CastlesOnClouds BRONZE, Lowell, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We are the one true hope&quot; <br /> <br /> - We Came As Romans.

Choosing a path of wisdom, is only a mile on the highway of freedom. Dreams tattered and broken along the way, but that's what counts so don't fall into dismay. let failure be your teacher, and let your heart be light that guides you to bleach her.

The hopeless can only drag you down if there's a part of you willing. They don't want to be alone, our confidence they take for the killing. That head of yours stays high on shoulders submersed in shades of grey. Keep your scars close, never forget the road you've paved. Challenge the fools who find pity among the true.

They seek nothing, waste their days bluffing. Seeing a charade so far fetched is a waste of a beautiful face. As a whole, unstoppable force, we must let our lives take its crash course. But to achieve a life worth living, you have to pick yourself up from the wreckage. Its the heartbeat of our nature. Dismembering our finest monuments appendages.

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