Untitled #12/Amanda Todd | Teen Ink

Untitled #12/Amanda Todd

February 18, 2013
By Megwolf13 BRONZE, Kankakee, Illinois
Megwolf13 BRONZE, Kankakee, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"he danced his didn't/he sang his did"

my arms ache as i dig into
the blood beneath the flesh ;(beneath the blue blue sky);/
that is life to some and entrapment to others ;(a trap to me this life i hate so much);/
the bones beneath the blood ;(beneath the flesh beneath the sky);/
grinding as i cut into the flesh ;(a thin layer that is no longer there);/
that is a slip over my spirit and my soul ;(that is a cage keeping my self on earth);/
but will only be a mirage to my knife that cuts my flesh ;(beneath the blue blue sky);
and leaks my blood ;(beneath the flesh beneath the sky); onto the cold earth ;(beneath the stars);/
that will be my final monument to the world that never cared ;(beneath the heavens where i now reside);

The author's comments:
In a sociology class, I watched the youtube video submitted by a girl named Amanda Todd. Two weeks after she posted the video, she committed suicide.
This is my reaction to this video.

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This article has 1 comment.

Maryelle GOLD said...
on Feb. 24 2013 at 12:16 pm
Maryelle GOLD, Stein, Other
13 articles 17 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is strange, if you don't want to shatter, be strange too. (G.F)

beautiful but sad