Sometimes | Teen Ink


February 7, 2013
By ladybelle BRONZE, Struga, Other
ladybelle BRONZE, Struga, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The future belongs on those who belive in the beauty of their dreams!!-Eleonor Rusvelt

Sometimes when nothing seems good.
Sometimes when everybody just hurts you.
Sometimes when you are alone against the world.
Sometimes when there's nobody to save you from the dark.
Sometimes when all you have is nothing.
Sometimes when you are just with yourself hoping for the best.
Sometimes when you are waiting for something that will never come.
Sometimes when is all said and done.
Sometimes when tomorrow is a pain.
Sometimes when happiness is on the other side.
Sometimes when you want, but you can do nothing.
Sometimes when you realize that all the people is bad and the world is cruel.
Sometimes when you haven't strength to fight anymore.
Sometimes when you are alone in an unbearable silence.
Sometimes when you barely stand on the sand of life.
Sometimes when you don't understand why you are chosen to suffer.
Sometimes when you think that the end is near.
Sometimes when everyone is busy to see that you are dying slowly.
Sometimes when the world tries to pull you down.
Sometimes when they say "You can't".
Sometimes when you think that dreams are just dreams.
Sometimes when love exists only in fairytale.
Sometimes when you feel sad and unhappy.
Sometimes when you are afraid of the future.
Sometimes when all around you is empty.
Sometimes when it seems that your mission is impossible.

Yes, at that sometimes
the courage inside you is screaming,
prove that world can't stop you nor people can hurt you.
Find your hero inside you,
make your day beautiful.
Shine in your eyes.
Don't change your direction.
Follow your heart, it knows what to do.
Listen to the voice inside your soul.
Replace the unbearable silence with incredible joy.
Smile today. Don't cry tonight.
Every single moment is precious.
Believe that you will find your way.
And you will find.
Believe that there's no limit.
And there won't be.
Believe that you deserve the best.
And you will gain the best.

Sometimes lose.
And then you win!

The author's comments:
Inspired by the world, people, life

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