Killer | Teen Ink


February 22, 2013
By Patrickh BRONZE, Arlington, Massachusetts
Patrickh BRONZE, Arlington, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you provoke the killer inside me, I won't deny it
I'm not violent, but if you provoke the killer, the killer won't be silenced
The real me or the killer, you can pick your poison
Cause you know you'll see two very different choices
I curse at the heavens and swear to God I won't be poisoned
But, alas I know that it's completely pointless

I can tell in my head there are voices
Telling me about right and wrong choices
I'm starting to learn to block the noises out
And live my life so I can go down my own route

The road leads to a dead end, which I can't transcend
No matter what I decide I intend
Sometimes it's more than I can bear
So I just close my eyes and pretend it isn't there

When I refuse and play the recluse
I realize life's a slave ship. You want to escape it?
Here's a chair and noose
In case you want to quit

The author's comments:
This piece is pretty ambiguous, but it expresses a lot of my thoughts...the first few lines deals with the darker, or more evil side of people, which can be provoked. I know that my evil side is very different from my usual self, but if you provoke it, it will come out, even if I'm not evil as a whole. I use the term "killer" as a description of evil

The next little part deals with death, and fear of death. I use "poisoned" as a metaphor for death, and a little play on words with "curse at the heavens and swear to god". The next part is about voices in my head and blocking them out, and just living life.

The part after that deals with how death is unavoidable, and that when fear of it becomes too heavy, just " closing your eyes" pretending it isn't there for a few moments.

The last part has to do with how society's norms and expectations are unavoidable, and I compare life to a " slave ship" in which everyone is a slave to society, and how the only way to avoid society is death ( the noose and chair)

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