Winters Edge | Teen Ink

Winters Edge

March 6, 2013
By Myers32 BRONZE, St.peters, Missouri
Myers32 BRONZE, St.peters, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He sat there in shock in the slowly fading light,
Waiting for his memory of misery to wither away into the darkness,
As she lay there stiff in his arms.

It was cold outside,
Winters icy touch grasped the cars along the way
As Balls of white (soon to be red) fell from the heavens,
Making a blanket of snow upon his driveway
As he drove in.

The house was almost as silent as the dead,
Faint whispers from the crackling of the fire crept into his ear
From the room next to him,
Followed by a breath taking bang!!
From outside

His heart began to pound like a drum,
He ran as fast as he could to the sliding door
And pushed it open without hesitation

That’s when he saw her,
She was laying there gracefully frozen in time,
Wearing nothing but a white dress
That matched the once white snow.

As he looked upon her in horror
He saw that she was barely still breathing,
She twitched her fingers motioning him to come to her.

With her final breath
She held on to him for life
Whispering four soft words in his ear,
“I never loved you”,
And she fell to the ground with a smile on her face,
Her curse was over.

He sat there for a while in silence
Barely blinking,
The soft words that came from her lips
Ran over and over though his mind,
They were like knives to him cutting everything in his path
Twistingly and crushing his heart.

He picked up her now lifeless body,
Carrying her to the couch in front of
The slowly dying fire light,

While a single tear,
Ran down his cheek.

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