Making Friends with Stars | Teen Ink

Making Friends with Stars

March 6, 2013
By TheScatteredHeart BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
TheScatteredHeart BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
And too much blood as flown from the wrists/of the children shamed/for those they chose to kiss<br /> <br /> Lyrics to Make it Stop, Rise Against

I lay awake at night, sometimes
Thinking, of how it feels
To no longer be alone.

I remember the past
And all the wonders it possessed.
The past had me,

Dreamt of days ahead
Reminding too much of sorrow
Myself, I came to dread.

Alone at night, my thoughts
True companions
In the darkness
To will my sleep.

Kept still in passing hours
Holding yourself, cradling sorrow
Dreams carrying you to safety
Away from black tomorrow.

Keep still, and hush yourself.
Protect the dreamt companion.
Walk in silence
Your own false pride
Amongst this realm, damnation.

I think about the stars, sometimes
Side by side, together.
Candle flames in a world much higher
Beneath, my dying fire.

Keep still, my love
The terror once more come
To haunt you day ‘n day,
Night, your worthy sun.

One star shined to me,
Now, and I felt its light
Touch me.
By way I can’t imagine.

Another star, another flame,
Like dreamt companions.
Who stay with me,
Day ‘n day,
And hush the harrowed night.

Friends, I call these stars.
Friends to guide me true.
From silent stride,
And dreamt companions
To a world,

Keep still, my love
In passing hours
Till morning comes again.
And the stars are dreams
In this world of ours.
That have all come true
For you.

The author's comments:
This one follows the attempt, showing the attempter reminiscing about his life and his boyfriend telling him how it's gonna be okay, despite all the insults, and what his bf's life was like before he found love. It's meant to further uplift you from "The Attempt", showing how strong the bonds of love are between anyone who truly possesses it.

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