Spring Majesty | Teen Ink

Spring Majesty

March 10, 2013
By furlene BRONZE, Torrington, Connecticut
furlene BRONZE, Torrington, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Morning birds welcome me with song
Upon the brightly dawning day
The crisp new air, for which I long
Fresh breezes whip me on my way

I watch nature, swiftly scampering by
As if to say a nice, “Hello”
Above me, trees reach for the sky
Toward the sun, a sea of yellow

Flowers of every shape and hue
Beckon me to stop and gaze
The glistening grass, fresh with dew
Never ceases to amaze

Too soon I sigh at what I see
As sun begins to fall asleep
And moon wakes up to smirk at me
I close my eyes and start to weep

Another blissful day is gone
But there will be tomorrow’s dawn

The author's comments:
This is a "sort-of sonnet" I wrote for English class. It doesn't have the proper syllables, but the rhyme scheme is that of a sonnet.

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