Dear Right Hand | Teen Ink

Dear Right Hand

March 19, 2013
By WinnieStack SILVER, 90066, California
WinnieStack SILVER, 90066, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear right hand,

Please don’t jump into the chopping blades of the disposable while I’m not paying attention
Please don’t brush the cat outside because you know I have allergies
Please don’t let your emotions get to you, and gesture rude symbols towards reckless drivers

Please don’t try to paint your own nails, because I hate the mess you make
Please don’t ball up in a fist, and punch people in the face, because I get the blame
Please don’t tuck my hair behind my ear, because I think I look like an elephant
please don’t stick that disgusting medicine I know I have to take into my mouth
Please don’t pull an 127 hours and cut your friend on the left off
But most of all, please don’t hold his hand, cause you get sweaty palms.

The author's comments:
This poem is based on true requests I have had to ask my right hand.

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