Blue Mountain | Teen Ink

Blue Mountain

March 13, 2013
By dhallKKA BRONZE, Ottsville, Pennsylvania
dhallKKA BRONZE, Ottsville, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On board the bus,
The excitement sets in.
It has been too long,
And patience is not a word that describes me.
Time passes quickly
As I imagine the hours to come.
This is my chance to be in charge,
To get out of my daily routine and be free,
Doing whatever I wish.
Soon, the mountain looms in the distance.
Rushing through the lines,
I slam through the only barrier holding me back,
And let the freezing winter air hit me at full force.
It isn’t long before I am hovering over the mountain,
Rising up to my second home.
At the summit,
I see the entire challenge that lies ahead,
And my heart beats faster.
I push forward and begin the journey
That I have waited for the entire year.
Here, with the icy wind whipping at my face,
Showering the path in snow as I turn,
Here, snowboarding, is where I belong

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