Snake Bites | Teen Ink

Snake Bites

March 21, 2013
By Imjustanillusion SILVER, Campbell, California
Imjustanillusion SILVER, Campbell, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love has never been, nor ever will be an arrow
The concept of Cupid is make believe
Something to cling to in the dark despair of

Love is not an arrow
It isn't quick
Or fast
Or immediate
Or direct
Or accurate
It doesn't always strike the heart
Sometimes it misses

Love is not an arrow
You can't take aim, pick your victims
One by one by one
As they fall
Thump! as the bodies go down,
Slain in the name of...

Love is not an arrow
Love is a snake
It creeps
And crawls
And slinks
It bides its time,
It's patient, always looming in the corner of sight
Waiting with the deadly accuracy of a predator
Waiting waiting waiting
It's got you!

Love is a snake
It doesn't caress,
It strangles
It wraps its coils of scaly hide around you
Relishes as it slowly squeezes the life out of you
As the lungs go in and out
In and out and
In and

Love is a snake
Its favorite taste is human heart
Something juicy to sink its fangs into
To inject with its very essence

It poisons,
Razes the blood like a fire
Slowly kills you from the inside out
Burning your veins with a passion uncontrolled
Until it finally burns out...

"Stop. I just can't do this anymore.
I don't love you."

Love is not an arrow
Love is a snake
It consumes you slowly
It takes its time
Until all that's left
Is a snake
And its corpse

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