The Desolate | Teen Ink

The Desolate

March 14, 2013
By CastlesOnClouds BRONZE, Lowell, Michigan
CastlesOnClouds BRONZE, Lowell, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We are the one true hope&quot; <br /> <br /> - We Came As Romans.

I can feel myself draining from this world, a feeling like no other. My backs against the wall, so don’t even bother. My own doing, it’s wrong to think that I can fix what I make, constant distraught, it’s a relay race of my mistakes. A contest of time, I don’t know how I come to this, so lucid in sublime. My trance, the epitome of a thousand miles. My chance, nobody ever saw it worthwhile. Oh so cold my heart beats slow, soon to be a failure and die. I sit at the ocean’s edge, throwing away my alibi.
Working for eternity to achieve the peace that’s broken in the past. I’m a vessel on a voyage with no sails, with no masts. Questions, vacate my mind, I’m still looking for it, I've left it all behind. What lies in store? I have to keep going, I’m starting not to see a point anymore. Unfinished my journey pleads to me. But does it look like I give a damn? I’m paving my own road, what’s best for my abandoned shadow.

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