Song About Myself | Teen Ink

Song About Myself

March 25, 2013
By gabsgarcia PLATINUM, Hillsborough, New Jersey
gabsgarcia PLATINUM, Hillsborough, New Jersey
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be true to yourself

I have sang a song to myself so often in my time
It has been a song about not feeling wanted
As I cry when darkness over comes my eyes in the nighttime
I sing the song as I feel like my life has slowly faded

But I have also the sang song in a different tune
It has been a song about happiness
That I sing while smiling into the noon
I look out into the sun seeing brightness

I have sung the song in yet another way
It has been a song about accomplishment
I sing as I realized I will complete my goals someday
While I have completed the goals I have set in this moment

I have sang this song throughout my years
Realizing only now that time is short
My song has been sung through smiles and tears
This song has been in my life to give me support

I will sing this song for the years to come
As I grow older and wiser with every passing day
I will become more knowledgeable by spreading wisdom
I will sing this song as I begin to drift away

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