To You and Back | Teen Ink

To You and Back

March 29, 2013
By BVong BRONZE, Queensbury, New York
BVong BRONZE, Queensbury, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Don&#039;t cry because it&#039;s over, smile because it happened.&quot;<br /> ~Dr. Seuss

You are my moon.
Perched in the dark sky,
You offer a guiding light that cradles me.
You sooth me with your gentle push and pull.
You are a humble man,
Who has shown me, that even in the blackest nights,
There is beauty to be found.

Slowly you reach for me.
I allow your light
To softly caress the darkest depths of my soul.
I allow your light
To fill me with a healing tranquility.

Like the moon,
You are always there to help me in my darkest hour.
Your light
Pierces the haze the fills my mind
And the pain that fills my heart.
You are a compassionate man,
Who has helped me find what has been
In the darkest depths of my soul.

I am me,
When I'm with you.

The author's comments:
My best friend of three years is now my boyfriend and the love he shows me inspired this poem.

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