Blood on my hands | Teen Ink

Blood on my hands

April 1, 2013
By Sailormoon118 SILVER, Tijaras, New Mexico
Sailormoon118 SILVER, Tijaras, New Mexico
8 articles 4 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
A house with no supports couldn&#039;t stand nither can we. My support is the Lord what&#039;s yours?<br /> Psalm 62:6<br /> He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.

Every day hundreds die
I'm told it's not my fault.
Follow orders, follow orders
Kill, kill, kill
What crimes did these people commit?
Why must they die?
Follow orders, Follow orders
Kill, kill, kill
Tens at first, then hundreds, then thousands
What did these people do?
Why must they die?
Every day I kill more and more.
Their blood is on my hands.
Follow orders, Follow orders
Kill, Kill, Kill
It's not my fault.
Follow orders, Follow orders
Kill, kill, kill
I hold my gun tight and look away
I hear a small cry from her as i point a gun in her face.
Kill, kill, kill
Those are my orders.
Kill, kill, kill
"Go" I utter barely audible
One little girl's blood isn't on my hands.
Hundreds are, Thousands are,
And there will be hundreds more, Thousand more,
But not that little girl.
Her blood is not on my hands.

The author's comments:
Something I wrote on the holocaust

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