Evicted! | Teen Ink


April 4, 2013
By Tunefisher GOLD, Manhasset, New York
Tunefisher GOLD, Manhasset, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every second is a moment in time. This second is a moment in history." -Anonymous

Dear Tenent,

To whom it may concern
You may regret to learn
These words have yet to spurn
You are soon to be evicted

The other renters have complained
For their tempers you have strained
Their demands were swift obtained
As you are now being evicted

You wake the neighbors late at night
And you are often prone to fight
Perhaps you're not too bright
Because today, at 4pm, you will be evicted

Your apartment reeked of cheese
I do not mean to tease
On my desk please leave your keys
In 10 minutes you're evicted

This could have been predicted
By the anger you inflicted
We left you unrestricted
Now our throats have been constricted
But right now, in this moment,
You are officially evicted.

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