A Woman's Best Friend | Teen Ink

A Woman's Best Friend

April 10, 2013
By italygurl98 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
italygurl98 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

(A)lways glad to see you
(B)rings you “presents”
(C)ute face
(D)oesn’t hate you
(E)ats dog food
(F)riends forever
(G)oing to the lake
(H)anging out
(I)nsists on barking
(J)umping around
(K)issing you
(L)oudly barking
(M)aking you laugh
(N)ever tells you’re secrets
(O)pening a box of biscuits
(P)icks you over everyone else
(Q)uickly runs to see you
(R)ace to the end of the yard
(S)lobber everywhere
(T)rialing in Agility
(U)nderstands you
(V)isits to the nursing home
(W)alk to the park
(X)-rays at the vet
(Y)elling and barking
(Z)ZZs together

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