Revolve | Teen Ink


April 12, 2013
By bensal BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
bensal BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every day something new,
iPhone, iPad, iThis, iThat.
It's a cycle that never ends.

Almost all technology now,
would have never been imagined in your days.
Too hard to fathom.

You know ten times more than we do,
but somehow, when it comes to technology,
it’s a whole, new world.
A world only we can understand.

You are right, though.
Someday the cycle will wrinkle up and die.
Everything we worked for,

Hopefully by then, we will be able to survive
and not expire along with the cycle that doomed us.

You would, you know,
but you’ll be long gone.
And our cycle may never turn again.

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